
A Trial Period Is a Must!

December 7, 2018

In the article Déterminer son profil franchisé=un risque on the website of the Conseil québécois de la franchise we talked about the advantages for franchisors to make their policies and procedures simple and effective, to keep to the minimum the list of skills required to operate their franchises and thus to ensure access to a… Read more

Simplify Access to Financing for Prospective Franchisees

October 3, 2018

So, you found your candidate who has the right skills, shares the same values as you, has the experience needed, and has the same vision… GREAT!  But the candidate does not have 100% of the amount necessary to finance his project of becoming a franchisee. Sure, you can give him some basic advice and let… Read more

Are Your Franchisees Fit for Your Network?

October 3, 2018

By understanding the vulnerability and strength of a franchisor-franchisee relationship, we can’t help comparing banners to domino structures, more or less grand and elaborate, depending on the size of a franchise network. While independent by itself, each domino tile is however dependent on the whole formation to which it belongs. Standing up, it is a… Read more

What to Do When You Receive an Application

March 16, 2018

So, your FlagFranchise dashboard shows that you have received one or – even better – several applications. You see a list of names with compatibility ratings next to them. Great! Now what? When you receive an application, the first step would be to read the attached compatibility report (see Understanding Your FlagFranchise Report). The FlagFranchise… Read more

Pass GO and Make Your Network Grow!

March 16, 2018

So you are looking for prospective franchisees to grow your network. However, many of them quit the game as soon as they land on the Investment square… and you’re back to square one. The more expensive your franchise concept is, the more limited your pool of prospects would be. Of course, with higher required investments… Read more

Selecting Your Franchisees Part 2 of 3: Attraction

March 16, 2018

Whether to expand your network, to find a suitable replacement for retiring franchisees or simply to identify prospects, the recruitment and selection needs of franchise networks have been a subject of growing attention among franchisors. But how do you pick the right franchisees for your network? From a pool of entrepreneurs, how do you select… Read more

Selecting Your Franchisees – Part 1 of 3

March 16, 2018

Whether to expand your network, to find a suitable replacement for retiring franchisees or simply to identify prospects, the recruitment and selection needs of franchise networks have been a subject of growing attention among franchisors. But how do you pick the right franchisees for your network? First, you attract high-potential candidates, then identify the best… Read more

Selecting Your Franchisees Part 3 of 3: Evaluation and Recruitment

March 16, 2018

In the previous articles in this series, we discussed the importance of introspection and self-evaluation as the first step in expanding your network in order to attract quality entrepreneurs. As we said, to boost your success factor when recruiting for your network, it is important to start by understanding what you are and the direction… Read more

Franchisers, are you ready for introspection?

March 16, 2018

“Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” ― Sun Tzu “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ― Aristotle “To grow yourself, you must know yourself.” ― John C. Maxwell   These great philosophers agree that the key to success is in knowing yourself. But for some, these words of… Read more

Making Your Contract Work!

March 16, 2018

There is no secret: good business means good friends. And good business starts with a solid contract. Yet a poorly prepared contract – or worse, no duly signed contract at all – is a common mistake that still happens in the franchise industry. In his article Jugement récent: Les risques de ne pas signer la… Read more

Multi-Unit Franchise Ownership: A Promising Model

March 16, 2018

Do you want your franchise network to develop quickly? Then perhaps you have already thought about multi-unit franchising. This business growth model helps your banner get well-established in a certain territory by boosting brand awareness and reputation among customers. It is also a good way to have fewer franchisees to support, to build better relationships… Read more

Reduce Unconscious Bias in Recruitement

March 16, 2018

Franchisee selection is a complex, multi-step process, which varies based on many factors, including the size of the franchise network. However, the interview phase is a must for all franchisors. This step can easily become tedious and complicated if you are not well prepared for it: receiving applications, reviewing CVs, sorting, ranking, interviewing, evaluating candidates…… Read more